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All About Coffee – Aeropress

Always on the go yet yearning for a perfect brew? Check out how to make the perfect coffee with a surprisingly simple tool!

The AeroPress, brainchild of Aerobie, Inc. founder Alan Adler (renowned for the Aerobie Flying Ring), debuted in 2005. Initially envisioned as a cost-effective alternative to espresso machines, the AeroPress’ versatility soon captured the hearts of coffee enthusiasts worldwide.

Comprised of durable, easy-to-clean plastic, the AeroPress caters to both trekkers and those seeking a single-serving solution. Its compact size makes it a globally popular choice, further bolstered by a passionate community and a prestigious annual competition dedicated to perfecting the AeroPress brewing method.

At its core, the AeroPress is a cylindrical, plastic device that utilizes gentle pressure to craft a delightful, clean-tasting cup of coffee with ideal body.

Circular filter papers are placed within the base, followed by the addition of coffee and water. Manual pressure is then applied, filtering the coffee directly into your mug. This innovative coffee maker, designed by Stanford University’s Alan Adler, a professor of mechanical engineering, fulfills his vision of brewing exceptional single-serve coffee.

The AeroPress has become a beloved choice for home coffee enthusiasts due to its unique brewing method and several features that cater to health-conscious individuals.

Advantages of Aeropress


One of the most appealing aspects of the AeroPress is its brewing speed. Compared to methods like the French press, which can take several minutes, the AeroPress delivers a delicious cup in just 1-2 minutes. This allows for a quick and convenient coffee ritual, even on hectic mornings.

Durability & Easy Cleaning

The AeroPress is known for its exceptional durability. After use, it requires only a simple rinse, with disposable filter papers eliminating the need for extensive cleaning. Additionally, the plastic construction makes it dishwasher safe, unlike some glass brewing methods. This focus on hygiene and ease of cleaning is ideal for those seeking a streamlined coffee experience.


The AeroPress’s durability extends to its portability. Being lightweight and compact, it is the perfect companion for travel, camping trips, or even enjoying a quality cup of coffee at the office. This allows health-conscious individuals to maintain their coffee routine regardless of location.

Clean and Balanced Flavor Profile

The AeroPress brewing process is designed to minimize the extraction of harsh acids, resulting in a clean and smooth mouthfeel. This is achieved by the short brewing time and the use of a filter. Additionally, the application of gentle pressure during brewing creates a coffee with a rich, medium body. This focus on a balanced and potentially less acidic coffee appeals to health-conscious consumers who may be sensitive to certain coffee compounds.

A Simple and Enjoyable Brewing Experience

The AeroPress brewing process is known for its simplicity and user-friendliness. This allows for a more mindful and enjoyable coffee ritual, focusing on the appreciation of the coffee itself.

Aeropress Equipment

  • AeroPress Coffee Maker
    The AeroPress itself is the centerpiece of the brewing process.
  • AeroPress Paper or Metal Filter
    These filters prevent coffee grounds from entering the final beverage, acting as a crucial accessory.
  • Digital Scales
    While not strictly mandatory, utilizing digital scales dramatically improves coffee quality by ensuring a consistent coffee-to-water ratio. This allows for the creation of a perfect recipe for consistent, delicious coffee.
  • Healthy Balanced Coffee
    Freshly roasted, healthy coffee forms the base of the beverage. Testing for mold, mycotoxins, and pesticides ensures a naturally clean and potentially more health-supportive cup.
  • Coffee Grinder (Optional)
    Pairing the coffee with a grinder unlocks the maximum flavor potential.
  • Filtered Water
    High-quality water plays a significant role in exceptional coffee. Considering the water source is crucial, as mineral content can impact taste. Filtered water may be necessary to optimize the brewing process.
  • Timer (Optional)
    For a barista-like extraction, timing the coffee becomes important.
  • Kettle
    A standard kettle suffices, although a coffee-specific gooseneck kettle can enhance the brewing process for both the AeroPress and other methods.
  • Mug
    Finally, a preferred mug completes the setup, ready to receive the freshly brewed coffee.

Crafting the Perfect Cup

Selecting the Optimal Grind

Since AeroPress coffee is categorized as filter coffee, albeit with some espresso-like qualities, it’s crucial to select beans suited for filter brewing. Freshly roasted beans are ideal for maximizing health advantages and flavor.

  • Single-Origin Coffee Taster Pack
    This option allows for exploration of unique flavor profiles from various origins, while ensuring high-quality, specialty coffee.
  • Range of Roast Profiles
    A variety of roasts is offered to cater to taste preferences.
  • Single-Origin Coffees
    For those who enjoy a more nuanced and potentially health-supportive cup, single-origin coffees sourced from high-altitude regions are available. These beans are known for their refined characteristics.

Filter Considerations

The AeroPress traditionally utilizes paper filters. However, experimentation with filter options is encouraged. For an even cleaner cup, some users opt to double up on paper filters. Remember to prioritize composting or recycling these filters whenever possible.

For a more sustainable approach, consider using a metal filter. These reusable filters minimize waste and can potentially impact the flavor profile of the coffee.

The Regular Brewing Process

  1. Pre-heating and Filter Rinsing
    Rinse the filter paper with hot water to eliminate any paper taste and preheat the brewing chamber. Discard the rinse water before proceeding. In case of metal filter this step is not necessary.
  2. Coffee and Water Addition
    Add 16.5 grams of coffee to the AeroPress. Then, pour in 250 milliliters of filtered water and stir thoroughly to ensure all grounds are saturated.
  3. Blooming Phase
    Attach the cap and allow one minute for the coffee to bloom. The brewing time commences as soon as the water makes contact with the grounds.
  4. Pressing and Extraction
    After one minute, invert the AeroPress over your mug and press down steadily for 30 seconds, until the device is empty. To prevent over-extraction, stop pressing upon hearing a hissing sound.

The Inverted Brewing Process

The inverted method is a popular technique employed to prevent under-extraction, which can sometimes occur with the traditional method.

  1. Begin by pressing the plunger down before adding coffee to the AeroPress.
  2. Create a seal and invert the device.
  3. Add coffee and water as usual, following the recommended waiting time.
  4. Gently press down on the inverted AeroPress until the space between the filter and coffee grounds is closed.
  5. Place an empty mug upside down on the AeroPress.
  6. In one swift motion, flip both the mug and AeroPress upright.
  7. Press the brewed coffee through the filter and into the mug for enjoyment.

Troubleshooting Common Brewing Issues

  • Grind Consistency
    An improper grind can significantly impact the taste and health benefits extracted during brewing. Too fine a grind can result in a bitter and over-extracted cup, requiring excessive pressure during pressing. Conversely, a coarse grind leads to under-extraction, preventing the release of desirable aromas and compounds.
  • Visual and Tactile Grind Assessment
    The ideal grind should offer slight resistance while pressing, but the grounds should still be visibly moving downward. The AeroPress itself can serve as a reference point for achieving the optimal grind size.

Maintaining a Clean Brewing Device

The AeroPress’s design prioritizes ease of cleaning, making it suitable for both home and travel use. Constructed from materials that facilitate cleaning, the device can be rinsed with hot water after use to remove coffee grounds from the chamber.

Over time, residual coffee oils can accumulate and potentially introduce unwanted flavors. To address this, occasional deep cleaning with soapy water is recommended to remove lingering bitterness or odors.

Aeropress Recipes

1. The Original Recipe: A Quick and Concentrated Brew

Developed by the inventor to create an espresso-like coffee in minimal time, this recipe offers a concentrated beverage.

  • Grind: Fine (similar to espresso grind)
  • Coffee: 14 grams
  • Water: 50-60 grams (around 85°C or 185°F, but temperatures closer to 90°C or 194°F are acceptable)
  • Brew Time: Approximately 1 minute


  1. Grind 14 grams of coffee to a fine consistency.
  2. Add 50-60 grams of hot water (around 85°C or 185°F, but slightly hotter is acceptable).
  3. Stir for 10-15 seconds.
  4. Apply gentle pressure while pressing.


  • Consume directly for a concentrated experience.
  • Dilute with hot water for a beverage similar to an Americano.
  • Add milk for a richer taste (consider exploring milk steaming techniques for latte art at home).
  • Experiment with double or triple shot variations by adjusting the coffee amount and potentially the grind size for taste optimization.
  • Utilize the Fellow Prismo attachment (optional) to increase pressure during brewing for a more intense espresso-like experience.

2. Cold Extraction: A Room Temperature Approach

This method offers a unique approach, brewing coffee at room temperature within a minute.

  • Grind: Very fine (even finer than espresso grind)
  • Coffee: 14 grams
  • Water: 50-60 grams (room temperature, around 20°C or 68°F)
  • Brew Time: Approximately 1 minute


  1. Grind 14 grams of coffee very finely.
  2. Pour in 50-60 grams of room temperature water.
  3. Stir vigorously for 30 seconds to enhance extraction at a lower temperature.
  4. Apply gentle pressure while pressing.

3. The Classic Black Coffee: A European Favorite

This method, popularized in Europe, produces a full cup of black coffee.

  • Grind: Medium (around 16 clicks on a Comandante grinder)
  • Coffee: 14 grams
  • Water: 200 grams (93°C or 199°F)
  • Brew Time: Approximately 90 seconds


  1. Grind 14 grams of coffee to a medium consistency.
  2. Pour in 200 grams of hot water (around 93°C or 199°F).
  3. Stir quickly, then insert the plunger to prevent dripping.
  4. After one minute, remove the plunger, stir again, and press gently.

Troubleshooting Tips

  • Ensure a level coffee bed to prevent water from bypassing the grounds.
  • Verify proper plunger insertion to create a vacuum seal and prevent dripping.
  • Adjust the grind size if excessive water passes through before pressing.

4. The Inverted Method: Precision and Control

The inverted method offers greater control over the brewing process by initially placing the AeroPress upside down. This allows for precise manipulation of brewing variables.

  • Grind: Medium (around 16 clicks on a Comandante grinder)
  • Coffee: 14 grams
  • Water: 200 grams (93°C or 199°F)
  • Brew Time: Approximately 90 seconds


  1. Invert the AeroPress.
  2. Add 14 grams of medium-grind coffee.
  3. Pour in 200 grams of hot water (around 93°C or 199°F) and allow one minute for steeping.
  4. While the coffee steeps, rinse the filter and secure the AeroPress with the cap, expelling any excess air.
  5. After one minute, carefully flip the AeroPress onto your mug and press gently.


  • Compatibility with various grind sizes.
  • Distinct separation of steeping and pressing phases, similar to the Clever Dripper.


  • Mastering the flipping motion to avoid spills may require practice.

5. AeroPress on Ice: Instant Cold Brew Enjoyment

For those seeking a refreshing cold coffee experience without extended waiting times, the AeroPress on Ice method delivers a quick and flavorful solution.

  • Grind: Slightly finer than the previous method (around 12 clicks on a Comandante grinder)
  • Coffee: 14 grams
  • Water: 100 milliliters
  • Ice: 100 grams
  • Brew Time: Approximately 90 seconds


  1. Invert the AeroPress and add 14 grams of coffee with a slightly finer grind.
  2. Pour in 100 milliliters of hot water and allow one minute for steeping.
  3. While the coffee steeps, prepare 100 grams of ice cubes in your mug.
  4. Flip the AeroPress onto the mug containing ice and press gently. The ice should melt rapidly, yielding a cool and freshly brewed beverage.

6. AeroPress Cold Brew: A Long Steep for Smooth Flavor

The AeroPress cold brew method utilizes room temperature water, a coarse grind, and a prolonged steeping period to create a smooth and potentially less acidic coffee concentrate.

  • Grind: Coarse (around 30 clicks on a Comandante grinder)
  • Coffee: 14 grams
  • Water: 200 grams (room temperature)
  • Steeping Time: 8-12 hours (overnight)


  1. Combine 14 grams of coarsely ground coffee with 200 grams of room temperature water in the AeroPress.
  2. Store the mixture in the refrigerator for at least 12 hours, allowing for steeping.
  3. Before consuming, press the coffee mixture through the filter to separate the concentrate from the grounds.

Alternative: For larger quantities, steep the coffee and water in a separate container, then utilize the AeroPress for filtration after the steeping period is complete.

7. AeroPress Cold Drip: Slow Extraction for Smoothness

Cold drip coffee is known for its lower acidity and bitterness, potentially appealing to those with sensitive stomachs. This method utilizes a slow drip process to extract coffee one drop at a time.

  • Grind: Medium (around 20 clicks on a Comandante grinder)
  • Coffee: 19 grams
  • Water: 250 grams (cold)
  • Ice: 50 grams (optional)
  • Brew Time: Approximately 2.5-3 hours


  1. Grind 19 grams of coffee to a medium consistency.
  2. Add the coffee grounds to the AeroPress chamber and attach a compatible cold drip attachment (e.g., PUCK PUCK) in the closed position.
  3. Add ice (optional) and 250 grams of cold water.
  4. Set the drip rate to approximately 25 drops per minute for a brewing time of 2.5-3 hours.

8. French Press-Style AeroPress: Clean and Bold

The inverted method’s flexibility allows for customization of variables like grind size and brew time. This technique mimics the long immersion style of French Press brewing, potentially yielding a bolder cup.

  • Grind: Coarse (around 30 clicks on a Comandante grinder)
  • Coffee: 14 grams
  • Water: 200 grams (93°C or 199°F)
  • Brew Time: Approximately 8 minutes


  1. Invert the AeroPress.
  2. Add 14 grams of coarsely ground coffee.
  3. Pour in 200 grams of hot water (around 93°C or 199°F) and allow it to steep for four minutes.
  4. Gently stir the coffee mixture and allow for an additional four minutes of steeping.
  5. After eight minutes, place the AeroPress on your mug with the filter and press to extract all the coffee.


  • Intense and bold coffee flavor.
  • Cleaner cup compared to the traditional French Press method due to paper filtration.
  • Easier cleaning process.

9. Supersized AeroPress Brews: Brewing for Multiple Servings

While traditionally limited to single-cup servings, the AeroPress offers methods for brewing larger quantities without dilution.

  • Grind: Fine (around 14 clicks on a Comandante grinder)
  • Coffee: 23 grams
  • Water: 350 grams (93°C or 199°F)


  1. Grind 23 grams of coffee to a fine consistency.
  2. Heat 350 grams of water to 93°C or 199°F.
  3. Add half of the water (approximately 175 grams) to the AeroPress and stir or swirl for a few seconds. Then, add the remaining water.
  4. Utilize a gentle pressing technique, pushing down the plunger only about a centimeter at a time with a rotating motion. This allows for water extraction without coffee grounds.
  5. After removing the plunger and any remaining water, add the remaining 175 grams of water (conveniently measured by the inner chamber of the plunger) and allow it to steep for one minute before pressing completely.

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