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The Satiety Index List

Having all the calories yet feeling empty after a meal? Check out what to eat to feel full yet leave behind the weight!

The Satiety Index List

All of the following foods are compared to white bread, ranked as “100”.

Bakery Products

  • Croissant 47%
  • Cake 65%
  • Doughnuts 68%
  • Cookies 120%
  • Crackers 127%

Snacks and Confectionary

  • Mars candy bar 70%
  • Peanuts 84%
  • Yogurt 88%
  • Crisps 91%
  • Ice cream 96%
  • Jellybeans 118%
  • Popcorn 154%
  • All-Bran 151%
  • Porridge/Oatmeal 209%

Breakfast Cereals with Milk

  • Muesli 100%
  • Sustain 112%
  • Special K 116%
  • Cornflakes 118%
  • Honeysmacks 132%

Carbohydrate-Rich Foods

  • White bread 100%
  • French fries 116%
  • White pasta 119%
  • Brown Rice 132%
  • White rice 138%
  • Grain bread 154%
  • Whole meal bread 157%
  • Brown pasta 188%
  • Potatoes, boiled 323%

Protein-Rich Foods

  • Lentils 133%
  • Cheese 146%
  • Eggs 150%
  • Baked beans 168%
  • Beef 176%
  • Ling fish 225%


  • Bananas 118%
  • Grapes 162%
  • Apples 197%
  • Oranges 202%

The list with the most
filling food at the top

Potatoes, boiled 323%
Ling fish 225%
Porridge/Oatmeal 209%
Oranges 202%
Apples 197%
Brown pasta 188%
Beef 176%
Baked beans 168%
Grapes 162%
Whole meal bread 157%
Grain bread 154%
Popcorn 154%
Eggs 150%
Cheese 146%
White rice 138%
Lentils 133%
Brown Rice 132%
Honeysmacks 132%
All-Bran 151%
Crackers 127%
Cookies 120%
White pasta 119%
Bananas 118%
Jellybeans 118%
Cornflakes 118%
Special K 116%
French fries 116%
Sustain 112%
White bread 100%
Muesli 100%
Ice cream 96%
Crisps 91%
Yogurt 88%
Peanuts 84%
Mars candy bar 70%
Doughnuts 68%
Cake 65%
Croissant 47%

Table adapted from S.H.A. Holt,
J.C. Brand Miller, P. Petocz,
and E. Farmakalidis,
“A Satiety Index of Common Foods,”
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition,
September 1995, pages 675-690.

The satiety index acts as a guide for selecting slimming foods with a superior ability to quell hunger. Unlike foods that may initially satisfy but ultimately lead to negative consequences, satiety-focused choices promote sustained fullness.

A study conducted at the University of Sydney, Australia, established the foundation for the satiety index. This research examined the varying degrees of satiety induced by different food groups.

The investigation revealed a significant disparity in the satiating effects of various foods. Certain options demonstrably promote a greater sense of fullness compared to others.

Standardized Measurement

The satiety index employs a standardized approach to assess satiety. Participants received 240-calorie portions of various food items. Following a two-hour interval, researchers monitored how much additional food the participants consumed.

White bread serves as the baseline, assigned a satiety index score of 100. Foods exceeding this score are considered more satiating than white bread, while those scoring lower are deemed less filling.

It’s important to note that the satiety index solely focuses on the duration of satiety induced by a particular food. Nutritional value and calorie content are not factored into the index.

Prioritizing Satiety for Weight Management

Selecting foods that promote satiety is crucial for successful weight management strategies. Here’s a breakdown of key nutrients to consider:

  • Protein
    Studies suggest protein is the most satiating macronutrient based on its ability to induce fullness and manage energy expenditure. Consuming protein-rich options can help individuals feel satisfied for longer periods.
  • Complex Carbohydrates
    While simple carbohydrates like white bread may provide a fleeting sense of fullness, complex carbohydrates offer a more sustainable solution. These carbohydrates, excluding refined sugars, can contribute to satiety without compromising dietary goals.
  • Fiber
    Fiber-rich foods are lauded for their low-calorie content and satiating properties. Including these options in meals can promote a sense of fullness and potentially reduce cravings.

The Satiety Advantage

Incorporating foods rich in protein, water, and fiber offers a multi-pronged approach to satiety.

  • Increase Stomach Volume
    Foods with high water content can physically expand the stomach, promoting feelings of fullness.
  • Reduce Calorie Intake
    By promoting satiety, these foods can indirectly contribute to reduced overall calorie intake, aiding weight management efforts.
  • Minimize Nibbling
    Feeling full can help individuals resist unhealthy snacking between meals, promoting adherence to weight loss goals.

By prioritizing protein, complex carbohydrates, and fiber-rich options in meal plans, we can leverage the power of satiety for effective weight management. This approach allows for sustained feelings of fullness, potentially reducing cravings and promoting adherence to healthy dietary practices.

The Satiety Index in Practice

The satiety index offers valuable insights into food selection for weight management, but it’s essential to consider it within a broader context. Here, we explore its application alongside other dietary factors.

Potatoes: A Satiating Surprise

Research suggests plain boiled potatoes rank high on the satiety index, exceeding white bread in satiety for a given calorie content. This may contradict common dietary practices where individuals avoid potatoes due to their medium glycemic index.

However, from a nutritional standpoint, plain boiled potatoes excel as a diet food. They are rich in vitamins and fiber, contributing to overall health. Weight gain isn’t inherently linked to potatoes; rather, it’s the additions like butter, sour cream, or cheese that can tip the scales.

Perhaps this satiating property of potatoes warrants a reevaluation of their role in weight management. As satiety promotes reduced overall calorie intake, potatoes could be included strategically, potentially allowing for removal later when satiety goals are achieved.

Popcorn: A Smart Snacking Choice

Popcorn is another example of a food scoring high on the satiety index. It boasts a high volume-to-calorie ratio, allowing for larger portions without excessive calorie intake (assuming minimal oil or butter is added). This makes popcorn a preferable snacking option compared to potato chips, particularly for situations like watching television or reading.

While ideally snacking would be avoided altogether, the satiety index suggests popcorn can be a more suitable choice if a snack is necessary.

The satiety index offers a valuable perspective on food selection for weight loss, specifically regarding a food’s ability to induce satiety. However, for optimal dietary planning, it’s crucial to consider this index alongside other factors.

Dietary Strategies for Satiety

A weight-loss-friendly diet, from a satiety standpoint, should incorporate a combination of slowly-digested carbohydrates and protein sources. Understanding calorie content remains important for informed food choices.

Recommended Food Choices

  • Lean meat and skinless chicken
    These options provide protein, a satiating macronutrient.
  • Fiber-rich foods
    Beans, lentils, and whole-meal bread are excellent sources of fiber, promoting satiety with minimal calories.
  • Water-rich foods
    Vegetables are ideal for weight management due to their high nutritional value, low calorie content, and satiating properties.

Limitations of the Satiety Index

Similar to the glycemic index, the satiety index has limitations. It provides no insight into a food’s overall nutritional value; its focus is solely on satiety. For instance, jellybeans rank high on the satiety index, potentially due to a mild nauseating effect in study participants, leading to suppressed appetite. However, their high sugar content makes them a poor choice from a glycemic index perspective.

The satiety index serves as one of many tools available to empower individuals on their weight-loss journeys. By combining this knowledge with an understanding of nutrition, individuals can make informed food choices that promote satiety and facilitate weight management success.

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